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5 Healthy Ways to Start the New Year

New Year, New Waistline

For most of us, our New Years resolutions often revolve around promising ourselves a healthier diet, better workout routine, and a smaller waistline. A healthier lifestyle is what we all strive for, but sometimes it can be hard to hold ourselves accountable when other responsibilities get in the way.

Take the pressure off yourself and start things nice and easy with some of these health tips for 2021.

Healthier New Year

Hydrate for Health

Of course, everyone says go for water when you’re thirsty. Water has zero calories! But it also has zero nutritional value (or so they say. eSpring purifies your water without stripping it of its beneficial nutrients and minerals). If you have a caffeine craving but you’re watching your sugar intake, why not try XS Energy Drinks.

Start New Year Healhier

Not a fan of the bland? Some people can’t drink plain water. That’s okay, we won’t judge. Try out Nutrilite’s PhytoPOWDER to give your glass of water an added boost of flavour of phytonutrients that fuel your body.

New Year Be Healthier Resolution

Savvy Snacking

If you’re craving a crunch, don’t make potato chips your first choice! While delicious in all its salty goodness, potato chips contain high levels of sodium and grease (and carbs, of course). Opt for a healthier alternative in baked snacks made from corn or rice. Give Vergold Baked Multigrain Rice Crackers a sample! Available in Teriyaki or Tom Yum, this gluten-free and GMO-free snack is sure to satisfy the munchies.

Nuts are also a great snack to keep your mouth occupied! For those of you who might be stress eaters or need something small to give you a big boost, try nuts! They’re full of important vitamins and minerals that don’t come with a sugar crash.

Healthier ways this new year

Check out XS’s Limited Edition Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruits and add some XSciting flavour to your life! Check out the XS Energy Drink PWP and fuel up for a fiery year! Get it while it lasts!

Luxuriously Liquid Diets

Diet fads come and go but the overall lesson has remained. Take everything in moderation and always keep a healthy and active lifestyle. BodyKey Meal Replacement Shakes are a great way for jumpstarting your diet and living a healthier lifestyle. It doesn’t just promote weight loss, it supplies your body with all the nutrition and vitamins it needs to keep your immune system running smoothly.

Not sure where to start? Let the BodyKey Jump Start Kit guide you.

Keep it Green!

Of course, never forget your fruits and vegetables. Eating the rainbow is vital to your health and immune system, and NUTRILITE DOUBLE X Multivitamin/Multimineral/Concentrate helps you get all of the nutrition you need in three simple and easy-to-swallow tablets.