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Nutrilite Experience Day: A Journey Into 90 Years of Wellness and Innovation

Amway Malaysia celebrated a momentous milestone with the Nutrilite Experience Day, a captivating event held on 26 Oct 2023, at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). This immersive experience kicked  off Nutrilite’s 90th-anniversary celebrations, a testament to nearly a century of dedication to enhancing global health and wellness.


Almost 7,000 attendees made up of Malaysian Leaders, ABOs APCs, guests as well as Leaders from Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia, participated in the one-day extravaganza. The day unfolded into two distinct parts, with the Nutrilite Experience Day (expo) taking centre stage during the day and the Exclusive Leadership Rally at night.


At the expo, ABOs and APCs immersed themselves in the vast offerings, including the Nutrilite Time Tunnel, a captivating journey through the brand's history. The interactive traceability wall showcased Nutrilite's commitment to purity and safety. Attendees also had the opportunity to gain insights into the meticulous practices employed at Nutrilite Organic Farms and understand the significance of the five-colour powerful phytonutrients. Meanwhile, the Gut Reset booth offered a taste of gut-reset smoothies, aligning with Amway's focus on the holistic health solution. Attendees also enjoyed an array of games, making the expo a dynamic and engaging experience.


Adding a touch of star power to the day, national athletes and Nutrilite Ambassadors Nur Dhabitah Sabri, national diver, and Goh Sze Fei, national shuttler, made appearances. Sharing their personal Nutrilite stories and answering questions, they brought a real-world perspective of how they live their best with Nutrilite.  


As the sun set, it was time for the Exclusive Leadership Rally, a pinnacle of inspiration and wisdom. The event saw the presence of distinguished guests, including Dr. Sam Rehnborg, President of the Nutrilite Health Institute and son of Nutrilite founder Carl Rehnborg; Amway Co-Chairmen Doug DeVos and Steve Van Andel; Amway Chief Executive Officer Milind Pant, and Amway Asia Regional President Asha Gupta.


During the rally, they collectively shared a global perspective and spoke about the future direction of Amway. Emphasising that Amway is not only a leader in health and wellness but also a catalyst for positive change, they highlighted the unwavering commitment to the "BIG Health" solution. This commitment is showcased through providing innovative approaches to health and wellness through sales and marketing programs.


The celebration aligns with Amway's broader health and wellness agenda, exemplified by the recently launched Gut Reset Weight Management Programme. This programme, initiated in March 2023, focuses on promoting gut health, a crucial aspect of overall well-being.


Speaking at the event, Mike Duong, Managing Director of Amway Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei, emphasised the significance of the Gut Reset Weight Management Programme in reinforcing Nutrilite's global market position, stating, "Amway and Nutrilite wholeheartedly support the Malaysian Government’s efforts to address the growing challenge of NCDs (non-communicable diseases)."

To underscore the positive impact of the Gut Reset Weight Management Programme, a poignant performance by the programme’s participants stole the spotlight that night. Their beautiful voices shared their personal journeys of struggles and triumphs on the path to healthier and happier lives. Their stories resonated with everyone in the audience – and even stole a tear or two from Mike Duong.

Lastly, Joanne Chong, Chief Marketing Officer, and Jennifer Wang, Chief Sales and Experience Officer, emphasised the value that the Gut ResetWeight ManagementProgramme has brought to Malaysians and the importance of community building for a sustainable business. Selected Leaders were invited to share their stories, creating a sense of unity and purpose among the attendees.

The Nutrilite Experience Day not only showcased the evolution of Nutrilite over 90 years, but also ignited a spark for the future. With energetic excitement and inspiring stories of transformation, the event marked a significant chapter in Nutrilite's legacy. As the 90th-anniversary celebrations goes into full swing, the Nutrilite community stands united in its commitment to encourage more people to wholeheartedly embrace a healthy active lifestyle.