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5 Quick & Easy Workouts for Mum

Mums are the powerhouses of the home. Whether they are stay-at-home mums or busy working mothers, it can get a little hard to find time to squeeze in a workout during the day. Worry not! Here are 5 quick and easy workouts to add to your daily routine that you can do anywhere and anytime.

Lest we forget, Happy Mother’s Day too!


Whether you’re at home, at the office, or at the park, squats are a workout you can do even while standing in line to check out at the grocery store. A simple rep of 10 squats or so gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping.

And you’ll be giving your behind a workout!


Catching up on your favourite Netflix show? Do stationary lunges while you watch. Simple lunges work out your quads and strengthens your balance. Just remember to keep your front knee stacked with your front ankle and lower yourself with care.

Alternatively, try wall sits if you require support.


Kids getting restless staying inside? Suffering from brain block at work? Get moving! Whether it’s a leisurely walk around the neighbourhood, a jaunt around the grocery store, or a simple pacing pattern around your office, walking is more than enough to help you keep off that excess weight and can improve health issues like high blood pressure!

Bicep curls

You don’t need fancy dumbbells for this workout! Pick up your tot, a heavy bag, or a stack of books, and get into position! Carrying groceries from your trip? No better time to test out your arm strength than with some bicep curls.

Stairs star

Everyone hates the stairs, but stairs have a great use in our lives! Outside of getting us from one floor to another, stairs are a great way of getting in your cardio for the day. Whether at work or at home, a few laps up and down a flight of stairs for 30 minutes will give you a quick boost to perk you up through your day.

Need a little XStra energy boost?

Perk up with a can of XS Energy Drink to give yourself the pick-me-up you need to power through your day.


XS Energy Drinks are available in 3 flavours: Cranberry-Grape, Pink Grapefruit Fiery Blaze and Classic Black Fiery Blaze.

Here at XS, we're all about giving you that XStra push of energy from a combination of natural fruits / other delicious flavours and B-vitamins that fuel your body. Blaze a trail with XS Energy Drinks! We’re also the FIRST exclusive sugar-free energy drink brand that is sold worldwide.

Source: https://www.euromonitor.com/amway-claims

Note: For a healthier and stronger post-workout recovery, supplement your diet with the XS Mixed Whey Protein with Chocolate Flavour. The best time to consume whey protein is during the 2 hours after activity or exercise. Studies have shown that this is the window where protein absorption is at its highest and lends itself to the proper repairing of muscles. For more info on the XS Mixed Whey Protein, read THIS.