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GUTPROtein: Enhance Digestive Comfort

Previously, we explored how Nutrilite GUTPROtein Boosts Your Energy Levels by improving gut health. Today, let’s delve into how GUTPROtein enhances digestive comfort by supporting gastrointestinal health.

As Asians, food is an integral part of our culture and lifestyle. Whether at the office, in a classroom, or at home, food is a topic we never bore of. After all, two of our favourite questions are, “What do you want to eat?” and “Sudah makan?”

However, enjoying a satisfying meal can sometimes lead to discomfort, such as bloating or indigestion, which can be particularly inconvenient, especially at lunch when we still have half a day of activities ahead of us.

Understanding Bloating and Indigestion: Signs of Gastrointestinal Imbalance

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Occasional bloating is often harmless and caused by various factors such as vegetables, fizzy drinks, or even swallowing air while eating. However, persistent bloating and indigestion may signal an imbalance in your gut microbiota, affecting your intestinal and overall digestive health.

GUTPROtein: Restoring Gut Balance with Essential Nutrients

Nutrilite GUTPROtein Foundational Health is designed to restore balance in your gastrointestinal system by providing the necessary nutrients, including protein, prebiotics, and probiotics, to support gut lining health and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

But how does it work?

The Gut Warzone: Battling Hard-to-Digest Foods

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Imagine your stomach as a battlefield. Much of the food we consume, like ultra-processed foods, refined sugar, and fried food, can be hard to digest which increases stomach acid and wreaks havoc on our gut, leading to discomfort. This situation is exacerbated for regular smokers.

Reinforcements and Repairs: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Protein

GUTPROtein provides reinforcement for your gut through probiotics which act as super soldiers for your gut bacteria, thus enhancing digestive comfort. Prebiotics supply the nutrients that the good gut bacteria need to thrive, essentially feeding the super soldiers in your gut. Meanwhile, protein repairs the gut lining, improving nutrient absorption and overall maintenance, especially during sleep.

GUTPROtein: Experience the Health Benefits of a Balanced Gut

Regular consumption of GUTPROtein helps maintain a balanced gut microbiome, reducing bloating and indigestion. This balance not only enhances digestive comfort but also leads to other health benefits, such as more regular bowel movements, better nutrient absorption, improved food tolerance, healthier skin, and greater mental clarity.

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Enhance Digestive Comfort with GUTPROtein

All in all, Nutrilite GUTPROtein Foundational Health enhances digestive comfort with protein, probiotics, and prebiotics (Mixed Fibre). This combination helps balance your gut microbiota, supporting your gut lining and introducing beneficial bacteria to promote their growth. Nutrilite GUTPROtein Foundational Health combines three powerful products that work synergistically to enhance digestive comfort:

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  • Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink: Supports overall cellular repair and regeneration with plant-based protein, strengthening the gut lining and preserving lean muscle mass.
  • Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory Root Extract with Probiotics: Replenishes beneficial gut bacteria using "Arrive Alive" and "Stick-To-The-Gut" technology, ensuring 6.3 billion CFUs of probiotics reach and stay in your gut.
  • Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder (Prebiotics): It nourishes good bacteria with prebiotics from a blend of three soluble fibres to help maintain a balanced gut microbiome.

Learn more at the GUTPROtein landing page here!