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Customer Favourites 2024 - SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent

More laundry detergent for dirty laundry equals cleaner clothes, right? After all, isn't it better to have too much than too little?

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In this Customer Favourites article, let’s discover the truth! In fact, using more detergent than necessary can do more harm than good. In this article, we debunk the myth that more is better and explore the negative consequences of overusing laundry detergent in your cleaning routine.

Less is More!

One of the most obvious downsides of using too much laundry detergent is that it's simply wasteful. Laundry detergents are formulated to be effective at specific concentrations, and using more than required does not make your clothes any cleaner. In fact, it can actually be less effective as excess detergent can lead to residue buildup on your clothes.

This residue can cause skin irritation for those with sensitive skin, make clothes feel stiff and uncomfortable, and even attract more dirt over time. Additionally, the buildup can be difficult to remove, even with multiple rinses, leading to a never-ending cycle of dirty, soapy clothes.


Using more detergent than necessary can also hit you where it hurts – your wallet. Overusing detergent means that you'll go through detergent more quickly, leading to higher costs over time. By using the recommended amount, you can make your detergent last longer and save money in the long run.

Potential damage to fabrics

Excessive detergent can be harsh on fabrics, especially delicate ones. The chemicals in the detergent can weaken fibres over time, leading to premature wear and tear, colour fading, or even fabric deterioration. If you care about your clothes, by using the correct amount of detergent, you can help prolong the life of your clothes and keep them looking their best for much longer.

Impact on washing machine or washer

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Using too much detergent can create excess suds that may not rinse away completely during the rinse cycle. These suds can build up in your washing machine or washer, leading to malfunctions, clogged pipes, and unpleasant odours. By using the right amount of detergent, you can help prevent these issues and keep your washing machine running smoothly.

Difficulty rinsing out

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Using too much detergent can make it challenging for the rinse cycle to effectively remove all traces of soap from your clothes. This can leave behind a soapy residue, which not only affects the feel and appearance of your clothes but can also trap bacteria and odours. By using the right amount of detergent, you can ensure that your clothes come out clean and fresh with each wash.

We Recommend Amway HomeTM SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent

Say goodbye to stubborn stains and dull colours with its enhanced formula packed with powerful ingredients. Now, your laundry day just got a whole lot brighter!

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In fact, Amway HomeTM SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent is a cost-effective powerful cleaning agent! Did you know that a single 1kg box of this laundry detergent can be used for 83 washes?

It boasts a formidable stain-fighting technology that kicks into action the moment it touches those pesky marks, ensuring your clothes remain vibrant, fresh and soft without any signs of fading. Plus, its effervescing crystals work their magic in any water temperature, even cold water, to ensure a gentle yet thorough clean every time.

But wait, there’s more! Its corrosion inhibitor not only safeguards your favourite garments but also protects your trusty appliances from rust, giving you peace of mind with every wash.

Did we mention it’s super-concentrated? That’s right Super-concentrated means super-cost effective!

SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent is powered by the BIOQUEST FORMULA.jpg

Its formula is tough on grease and oil stains while remaining biodegradable and dermatologist-tested, making it safe for even the most sensitive skin types and even for your newborn and baby. No harmful residue here; just clean, fresh laundry every time. This is because SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent is powered by the BIOQUEST FORMULA and contains high active, bio-based ingredients from natural ingredients and resources like coconut, citrus fruits and minerals. Furthermore, this product carries “The Safer Choice” label indicating that the product has been tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and does not contain chemicals that may present potential health or environmental effects.

Experience the gentle yet powerful cleaning power of SA8 Premium Concentrated Laundry Detergent today. Laundry day will never be the same again!